Storm Damage Assessment
FairClaims Roofing & Construction has extensive experience working with and installing storm damaged roofs. We have numerous staff members who either currently have or previously have had their insurance adjusters license, Our experts will assess your property at no charge, take digital photos, provide a written estimate, and can meet with your insurance companies adjuster to discuss the scope of damage and cost to repair. It is always to your benefit to have an inspection prior to making a claim so than unnecessary claims can be avoided if there is not any damage or the damage amount is below your deductible. Storm damage is very subjective and some damage may not have been seen during an inspection by your insurance company, We can always assist with a re-inspection should there be damage that previously wasn’t seen during an insurance inspection.
wind damaged shingles pulled through the fastener
wind damage
Wind damage can occur during wind bursts or gale force winds associated with tropical storms and severe thunderstorms. Often shingles can be blown completely off the roof while in other cases the wind pressure can separate the shingle from the faster as pictured above especially if the roof was originally fastened with staples.
Severe Hail Damage
hail DaMAGE
When mother nature strikes hard, hail producing storms can cause extensive property damage. Not all damage is as obvious as this so always best to get an inspection from an expert following a hail producing event to be sure your property is ok.
Our Team actively on a roof with an insurance adjuster assisting with a full roof replacement for hail damage..
We can assist
Our expert inspectors are always willing to meet with your insurance companies adjuster to help make sure everyone is on the same page regarding any damage seen and associated costs with repairs.